WebsiteDev / Website Development

Website Development

I do website development for fun, not profit. In this section (much of which is included on my Website Development links page), I keep track of all the resources I use (or have developed) to make my website development easier or better. I prefer developing sites that are mostly “barrier-free” — I don’t expect visitors to have any special plugins installed, or even to have JavaScript enabled. Everything here uses straight-forward HTML (or XHTML), CSS, and is usually powered on my web host’s server side by PHP code. Except for images, this website should work fine on a text-only browser (e.g., Lynx) or on your cell phone browser. For graphical browsers (including cell phones and PDAs), this website is best viewed at a minimum width of 1024 pixels.


The punishment which the wise suffer who refuse to take part in the government, is to live under the government of worse men.


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loaded 2025-02-16 23:08:28 • last modified 2010-05-17 17:01:49
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