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Explore. Dream. Discover.

Welcome to awcolley.com

Me long ago
Me Long Ago

I have been online at AWCfamily.com since Valentine’s Day 2001 and here at awcolley.com since early 2010. This is just a hobby of mine, I'm not trying to make money via these websites; so there is no shopping cart and there are no annoying ads. I often use this website to store information I might need someday, since my biological brain is not so good at that anymore.

The SideBar on the left will help you navigate my collection of websites. For the current website you're visiting, the Site Map page is the master table of contents, listing every page on that website; and the What's New page shows you the pages on that website that have been added or updated most recently.

A couple of my major interests have their own websites:

wx.awcolley.com — Meteorology
I have been fascinated with the weather since elementary school, and managed to get a Masters degree in Atmospheric Science from Colorado State University. Though my career went a different direction, the weather still fascinates me. I have a personal weather station and publish near real-time data from it on this website, as well as charts and tables of all data acquired since it became operational in December 2005.
awcfamily.com — Genealogy
I have been interested in our genealogy since the mid-1990s, and mostly gathered information from other (more dedicated) genealogists in the family. I have also done some personal research online and at the Allen County Public Library here in Fort Wayne (the largest non-religious public genealogy research library in America).

Personal sections on awcolley.com include:

Thoughts and such
thoughts on life, religion, politics, whatever.
Car Attacks House
Yes, a car really did land in our house in August 2003.
recipes I have used (and often modified).
My Bookmarks
links to websites I use often or that I found interesting, entertaining, or somehow useful.

Other miscellaneous stuff on awcolley.com:

Fort Wayne, Indiana
We've lived here since 2000; here are a few random pages with a local flavor.
Presenting Data and Information Seminar
This one-day seminar was fascinating, insightful, amusing, and enlightening. Though some of the time seemed merely the rantings of an artist, Edward Tufte covered many excellent and relevant concepts in information design. Overall, the seminar was strong on doctrine but somewhat weak on practical, day-to-day application. Historical presentations of data seemed to capture a large slice of time while only a smattering of new concepts for data presentation could be found. This is likely a reflection of the observation that the geniuses of the past (like Euclid, Newton, Galileo, Copernicus) knew how to get their data laden points across using efficient and effective presentation techniques; while we today have settled for the inane, data-sparse eye candy of Power Point™ graphics.
Vintage Aerial
They have over 25 million aerial photographs from the 1960s through the early 2000s; mostly of rural or suburban areas, with some small to medium towns as well. Maybe they have your childhood home or your grandparents' farm. Prints are a little pricey; but, the memories are priceless.
Atomic Test Image Gallery
Images I've collected from online sources showing the clouds (or mounds of ocean water) formed by nuclear explosions of the U.S. atomic testing programs in the 1950s and early 1960s.
Website Development
my reference area for website development.

A nation is a society united by a delusion about its ancestry and by a common hatred of its neighbors.

William Ralph Inge

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loaded 2025-02-16 22:55:15 • last modified 2013-10-31 02:49:33
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